Whole 30 Woes

Okay. Here’s the deal. Day seven of round two….I failed. I ate pizza. I deliberately ordered it and then proceeded to stuff my face with it. And you know what. I don’t feel guilty. There’s no excuse for it. But let me explain. So the first two days of this round I ate literally non-stop….

Whole30 Days 4-6

Despite the fact that I am currently unemployed, I somehow managed to not find time to do a blog post once a day for this round of Whole30. I have been keeping myself busy and productive. In my defense, the only reason I’m not working is because I’m working for the government to run it’s…

Whole 30 Round 2 Begins [Days 1-3]

I’m doing a Whole 30 again. It didn’t work in all the ways I wanted it to last time, but it was a positive experience, despite not feeling the “magic” as much as some people do. (My skin didn’t improve, my headaches didn’t go away, and my sleep was the same…if not worse) However, I…

I’m Back! Whole30 Round 2!

Hello! I’m back to blogging. My second round of the Whole30 program begins in exactly a week from today. My first wedding anniversary is this Sunday. My husband and I will be out of town celebrating on Friday afternoon and evening, staying at a friend’s house that night. Saturday I will be bridesmaid dress shopping…


Recently my university has been involved in a “scandal” of sorts. A scandal that the internet created out of nothing. Media sickens me. The whole thing makes me so angry I could spit. It’s out of control. The Big 12 is out of control. Rivalries are out of control. I stand by my school. I…

Whole30 – Reintroduction Fail

It’s been almost a week since my last post. Let me just say that I gave up my modified reintroduction plan on day two. I realized that because I wasn’t doing it right, what was the point of even doing it? I was simply going through the motions of “reintroducing” foods. But really, when I…

Whole30 – Analysis

I’ll start out with my lunch. Pictured above while still cooking. Diced chicken marinated in coconut aminos and hot sauce and mustard and garlic. Onions, broccoli, snow peas and zucchini stir fried in sesame oil. And because it’s reintroduction day (gluten free grains) I ate it over some steamed white rice! So delicious. I actually…


I’m done. I’m done I’m done I’m done. Well almost. Still gotta do my botched job of reintroducing foods. For breakfast I ate a Larabar. For lunch I had this plus three slices of leftover bacon. For dinner I had Cajun seasoned shrimp with steamed broccoli. With some fresh strawberries as well. I ran an…

Whole 30 – Day 27 & 28

Saturday – Day 27 I woke up and made myself breakfast of bacon and eggs. Tasty and satisfying. Still not sick of it! I also drank about a half serving size of OJ. I then went to the bank and then the Farmer’s Market with a friend. I picked up some okra and some peaches….

Whole30 – Reintroduction Week Meal Plan

So this will be pretty modified from what the program suggests. My reintro will be an expedited version. I won’t be taking the two compliant days in between each reintroduction. The first football game is this week on Saturday evening. I want to be done reintroducing by then. Because I’ve gone gluten-free before, off and…

Whole 30 – Day 26

Friday – Day 26 For breakfast, at 8:30, I made a smoothie with OJ, Orange Naked, a few spinach leaves, 1/4 of a frozen banana, a handful of frozen blueberries, six frozen strawberries and a small spoonful of almond butter. It was delicious but it did not keep me full. Good thing I hadn’t tried…

Whole30 – Day 25

Thursday – Day 25 I woke up absolutely exhausted even though I slept almost 9 hours. I didn’t eat any breakfast before going to the doctor. I did drink a juice box and chug an entire camelback of ice water. The lab results came back with good news. The infection is totally gone. The doctor…